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Update Webinar on the WHO Wasting Guideline Development Process


The process for developing the WHO guidelines for the prevention and treatment of wasting is well underway. Since the last webinar on the process in September 2020 much has happened. In this webinar we provide an update on what stage has been reached, what is still to come, and what the revised timeframe is.

WHO have collated the latest updates and resources regarding the guideline development process here.



  • Opening remarks by the host (ENN), introductions and setting the scene (Philip James, ENN)
  • Update on the WHO guideline development process (Allison Daniel, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO)
  • Reflections on how the guidelines speak to the MAMI approach, simplified approaches, the continuum of care, and addressing questions from the field (Kirrily de Polnay, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO)
  • Next steps in development of implementation guidance (Minh Tram Le, Nutrition Programme Group, UNICEF)
  • Q&A from webinar participants to panel