IYCF-E infographic series
Publication details
In 2021, the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group published the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) infographic series. The infographics are based on the Operational Guidance on IYCF-E (OG-IFE) and aim to assist in implementing specific actions and recommendations within the guidance. To date, the following infographics have been finalised.
1. Early initiation of breastfeeding during emergencies
If you have downloaded or used infographic 1 'Early initiation of breastfeeding during emergencies' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 5.7 of the OG-IFE - protect, promote and support early initiation of exclusive breastfeeding in all newborn infants. The infographic provides a guide for maternity service providers on supporting the early initiation of breastfeeding in emergencies and is available in English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Ukrainian and Arabic. It includes key conversations and actions to take during pregnancy, immediately after birth, within the first hour after birth, on day one and at discharge.
- English: Early initiation of breastfeeding during emergencies
- French: Mise au sein précoce en situation d’urgence
- Spanish: Inicio temprano de la lactancia en emergencias
- Italian: Avvio tempestivo dell’allattamento durante le emergenze
- Japanese: 母乳育児の早期開始 - 災害時
- Russian: Раннее начало грудного вскармливания во время чрезвычайных ситуаций
- Arabic: البدء المبكر في الرضاعة الطبيعية أثناء حالات الطوارئ
- Ukrainian: Ранній початок грудного вигодовування під час надзвичайних ситуацій
- Turkish: Acil durumlarda emzirmeye erkenden başlanmasi
2. Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS
If you have downloaded or used infographic 2 'Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE - minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on preventing and managing inappropriate donations of breast milk substitutes (BMS) and other prohibited products for emergency relief staff, donors and governments and is available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian. It includes key information on the risks associated with inappropriate donations and key actions to prevent, detect and manage these donations.
- English: Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS
- French: Prévenir et gérer les dons inappropriés
- Spanish: Prevención y gestión donaciones inapropiadas
- Italian: Evitare e gestire donazioni inappropriate
- Japanese: 不適切な寄付の防止と対応
- Russian: Предотвращение несогласованных пожертвований
- Arabic: منع التبرعات غير المناسبة وإدارتها
- Ukrainian: Попередження та контроль обігу неналежними пожертвами
- Turkish: Uygun olmayan bağişlarin önlenmesi ve yönetilmesi *This version is a rapid translation provided Feb 17 by LLL Turkey http://www.lllturkiye.org/
- Polish: Zapobieganie i zarządzanie niewłaściwymi darowiznami produktów zastępujących mleko kobiece i innych zabronionych produktów
3. Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies
If you have downloaded or used infographic 3 'Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE - minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides a guide on planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies for decision-makers and programmers working in emergency preparedness and response. It is available in English, Russian, Japanese and Ukrainian (localised for a Ukrainian context) and provides guidance on assessing the need for artificial feeding, designing and planning an artificial feeding management programme, securing the required supplies and services, and implementing artificial feeding support.
- English: Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies
- Spanish: Planificación y gestión de las intervenciones de alimentación artificial en emergencias
- Russian: Планирование и проведение мероприятий по искусственному вскармливанию во время чрезвычайных ситуаций
- Japanese: 災害時における人工栄養の介入計画と管理
- Ukrainian: Планування та управління штучним вигодовуванням під час надзвичайних ситуацій *localised for a Ukrainian context
- Arabic: تخطيط تدخالت التغذية االصطناعية وإدارتها أثناء حاالت الطوارئ
- Polish: Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies
4. Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies
If you have downloaded or used infographic 4 'Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding emergencies' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 6 of the OG-IFE - minimise the risk of artificial feeding. The infographic provides guidance for frontline workers, including health, nutrition and child protection staff, on supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies. It is available in English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese and Armenian and provides guidance on the following topics: checking infants' eligibility for BMS support; determining if BMS can be used hygienically at home; discreetly providing BMS and supplies; counselling demonstrating how to feed infants as safely as possible; continued support and follow up procedures.
- English: Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies
- Spanish: Atención de lactantes que dependen de la alimentación artificial en emergencias
- Italian: Sostenere i neonati e le neonate in alimentazione con formula durante le emergenze
- Russian: Поддержка детей грудного возраста, зависящих от искусственного вскармливания, при чрезвычайных ситуациях
- Japanese: 災害時に人工栄養を必要とする乳児への支援
- Ukrainian: Підтримка немовлят, що залежать від штучного вигодовування під час надзвичайних ситуацій
- Armenian: Աջակցություն մանուկներին՝ կախված արհեստական կերակրումից արտակարգ իրավիճակներում
- Turkish: Acil durumlarda yapay mamayla beslenen bebeklerin desteklenmesi
- Arabic: دعم الرُّضع المعتمدين عىل الرضاعة االصطناعية أثناء حاالت الطوارئ
- Polish: Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies
5. Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers
If you have downloaded or used infographic 5 'Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 5.4 of the OG-IFE - anticipate and assess the impact of human and animal infectious disease outbreaks on infant and young child feeding and take actions to mitigate risks. The infographic outlines key considerations when making recommendations for infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks and is aimed at national health authorities, health and nutrition policymakers, professional associations and other bodies and practitioners working in outbreak preparedness and response. The infographic is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese.
- English: Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers
- French: Alimentation du nourisson durant les epidemies de maladies infectieuses : un guide pour les décideurs politiques
- Spanish: Alimentación del lactante durante brotes de enfermedades : guía para los responsables políticos
- Arabic: تغذية الرضع أثناء تفشي الأمراض المعدية: دليل لصانعي السياسات
- Japanese: 感染症アウトブレイク時の乳幼児栄養:政策立案者のためのガイド
- Turkish: Bulaşıcı hastalık salgınları sırasında bebeklerin beslenmesi: politika yapıcılar için bir rehber *This version is a rapid translation provided Apr 5 by LLL Turkey http://www.lllturkiye.org
6. Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for programmers
If you have downloaded or used infographic 6 'Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for programmers' please fill out this form to provide us with any feedback.
This infographic helps assist in the implementation of action 5.4 of the OG-IFE - anticipate and assess the impact of human and animal infectious disease outbreaks on infant and young child feeding and take actions to mitigate risks. The infographic is aimed at programmers working in emergency preparedness and response and provides information on how to anticipate the impacts of an outbreak on infant feeding and outlines key actions to mitigate risks. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and Arabic.
- English: Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for programmers
- French: Alimentation du nourisson durant les epidemies de maladies infectieuses : un guide pour des responsables des programmes
- Spanish: Alimentación del lactante durante brotes de enfermedades : guía para los programadores
- Arabic: تغذية الرضع أثناء تفشي الأمراض المعدية: دليل للمبرمجين
- Japanese: 感染症アウトブレイク時の乳幼児栄養:プログラマーのためのガイド
Summary of IYCF-E infographics in Croatian brochure (2023)
This Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) brochure was created by UNICEF Croatia in collaboration with the Association of Parents in Action (RODA) using all six 2021 infographics published by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group (IFE-CG).
Leads: Isabelle Modigell and Linda Shaker Berbari
Infographic Working Group Members and Reviewers: Alessandro Iellamo, Anne Merwood, Bindi Borg, Brooke Bauer, Caroline Abla, Colleen Emary, Hiroko Hongo, Julie Tanaka, Kirrily De Polnay, Lourdes Santaballa, Marlene Hebie, Sarah Butler, Mija Ververs and Nina Chad.
Oversight: Marie McGrath and Nicki Connell.
Design: Tim Harcourt-Powell, Alex Glynn and Terry Nightingale.
- The translation to Japanese was done by Hiroko Hongo, Tomoko Seo, and Chisato Hikichi.
- The translation to Spanish was done by Alison Donnelly and Elena Rivero.
- The translation to Russian and Ukrainian was done by UNICEF.
- The translation to Italian was done by the Italian National Institute of Health & UNICEF Italian Committee.
- The translation to Arabic was done by Save the Children and the GNC Technical Alliance.
- The translation to Armenian was done by the GNC Technical Alliance.
- The translation to Turkish was done by La Leche League Türkiye and the GNC Technical Alliance.
- The translation of infographics 2, 3 and 4 to Polish was done by Dr. Anna Koronkiewicz-Wiórek.